T. Jayashree is an independent filmmaker based in Bangalore. She has written, produced and directed for international television, radio, feature and documentary film. Co-founder of the QAMRA Archival Project at NLSIU, her work has focused on the intersection between Gender, Sexuality, Law and Public health. View her work here.

The material in this collection consists of unedited footage of public and private meetings, protests, community workshops, pride marches, and several in depth interviews with activists, lawyers, petitioners and queer folk. This include footage from her film, Many People Many Desires (2004), as well as from projects that documented crisis intervention, HIV and global access to affordable medication, and the decriminalisation of homosexuality in India. 

While documenting the queer movement, the  material also gives us a rich glimpse into changing urban and technological landscapes.

Part of this collection is cross linked with the Sec. 377 IPC Collection, Series V.

The material is in multi video formats such as VHS tapes, Mini DV and High Definition video. It consists of roughly 30 TB (over 200 hours of high resolution video footage) of external digital hard disks. The video footage is indexed, translated and transcribed in English. The footage as audio files along with transcription will be made available online.

This collection is arranged in three series:

TJAV01: Video Documentation of the Fight Against 377

TJAV02: MPMD Unedited Footage

TJAV03: Crisis Intervention Advocacy Film Unedited Footage